The Holz-Liebling Story

young, dynamic, willing to take risks, entrepreneurial, customer-oriented, inquisitive, ambitious and simply fun at work! That is Holz-Liebling

Wood-Favorite Logo

06/2024 – The Team

The team is growing and as of June 24, there are eight full-time, three part-time and three mini-jobbers. We are extremely proud that everyone is giving it their all and is passionate about what they do. The result is our products, which make thousands of customers happy month after month. In addition to our own employees, we are happy to have a number of external service providers on board. These include our tax office, the cleaning service and our advertising agency. It's crazy how many people are part of the Holz-Liebling family - just awesome!

04/2024 – Wood-Liebling-DIY go live

The third shop is opened and is an instant hit – MEGA! Through our YouTube videos we show you almost weekly tips and tricks as well as accessories related to wood crafts. We sell many of our products from the Holz-Liebling production at top prices through our Shop. Whether it's milling cutters, wood kit, wood oils or solid wood, everyone who has anything to do with wood will find what they're looking for here. 


2024 – We are back

After two months of seasonal forced break (Christmas business), we are finally starting the YouTube year 2024. We traditionally start the new Holz-Liebling YouTube season with a workshop tour through our new carpentry shop. Marco will tell you how the last year went economically for Holz-Liebling and what plans we have for this year. 

07/2023 – We are moving

The time has finally come! We are moving into our new carpentry workshop. One chapter is closing, another is opening. It's unbelievable that we can now take the next step in such a short time. In this video you can see an insight into the move of our carpentry workshop and look back at the beginnings of our small solid wood factory. We have rarely been prouder!

2022/2023 – Successful year 23 comes to an end

The year 2023 is coming to an end and we are answering all questions about the Holz-Liebling company. We are providing insights into the operational results and strategic goals. 2023 was a successful year on many levels. In the video we show the development of the last 2.5 years and provide more personal insights than ever before. 

2022 – We are building a carpentry workshop

Sometimes I think it can all just be a dream... Finally, the time has come! The construction of our new carpentry workshop is in full swing and in this video we take you on a first tour of the construction site. We show you where the story of Holz-Liebling began. Spoiler: As with so many start-ups, it is a garage. 😉 and give you a first glimpse of the new production facility.

08/2022 – Our first store

We did it! After having sold our solid wood products exclusively through our online shop, we are now embarking on the adventure of a retail store. We are opening our Holz-Laderl in Wasserburg am Inn. But that's not all. In addition to the hand-made wooden products from our factory, we also serve first-class coffee and cake. The philosophy of the Holz-Laderl also includes a catering concept, which Marco explains to you in this video.

03/2022 – Holz go live

Our second online shop is launching. This time something for DIYers. "We start where the hardware store ends." - That is the motto of Holzplatten-Zuschnitt, the cutting service for high-quality solid wood panels. Here, all DIY fans, hobbyists and amateur craftsmen get the best quality wood, cut to the millimeter, at a reasonable price that can compete with the classic lumber trade. We look forward to seeing how the shop is received. 

2022 – Workshop tour in Tulling

One year of carpentry in Tulling and we are bursting at the seams. On this tour of our factory we will show you our carpentry workshop, which in this case is a 100 square meter room :-). 

2022 – First YouTube video

Our first video shoot. We give you an insight into our Holz-Liebling factory, the production of our solid wood products and also our company philosophy. Holz-Liebling stands for quality and above all real handcraft. In our online shop: we present our product range to you. From cutting boards made of end grain to solid wood dining tables. 

03/2021 – the first employees

We can't do it alone anymore :-). Marlen is taking over the office, Marco is in the workshop, the orders are coming in. We can't do it alone anymore. Cutting boards, wooden blocks, toilet roll stands. The range is already wide and requires more manpower in the workshop. Thorsten and Matthias are getting started and making sure that we can really go full throttle in the coming months. You will always be the first employees of Holz-Liebling - great guys!

First employees of Holz-Liebling

01/2021 – Moving to the carpentry shop in Tulling

At the beginning of 2021 and about 6 months after starting our own business, we went to Tulling to work in an existing carpentry shop. A huge step and a good one as it turns out. The carpentry shop is divided into three and master carpenters Stephan Lindner and Franz Bauer already run their businesses on site. We were able to gain a lot of know-how and knowledge about machines and wood. We are more than grateful for that.

Moving to Tulling

07/2020 – first international order

It's an indescribable feeling when you know that what you make by hand is liked and bought. I have rarely been so motivated. The first international order to Spain was celebrated. Even if only by Marco & Marlen. The employee didn't exist at the time. 

The First International Packages

05/2020 – Workshop in the basement in Albaching

Here we go, the workshop in the basement is set up. Planned as a guest room, it became a workshop within a few weeks after Marco and his wife Marlen moved into the house in Albaching. It started in the garage and became too cold in winter and too loud for the neighbors. The basement thus became Marco's new home - the journey begins. 

Workshop in the Basement - How It All Began