Chef's knife from SCHMAAL

Chef's Knife With Sterling Silver

"A cutting board is of no use to you if you don't have a chef's knife. It just looks good.– Holger Altgeld

Marco and his employees make wonderful cutting boards and knife blocks from the finest wood. He's also a great guy and that's what prompted me to offer his cutting boards in my shop. But the best board is no use to you if you don't use it. Then it's just decoration.

I make 100% hand-made kitchen knives that are not only absolutely sharp, but also look great. They fit well in the hand. They are always unique and handmade by me.

Whether European knives or Japanese kitchen knives, I build what I like and what I use myself in the kitchen.

Blades are made from carbon steel and stainless steel. Forged Damascus is also often used. Fine local and sometimes exotic woods round off the knife's handle.

I also sometimes use other metals in the handles. Here, for example, pure sterling silver. Add to that a blade made of 200 layers of damask and a handle made of over 1000 year old bog oak.

Take the chance to use a Marco cutting board to perfection. Never be too proud to use a knife properly. Give both a little care and love and you will be happy with them forever.

Besides kitchen knives, I also make hunting and outdoor knives.

Take a look at what I have to offer on


In Cologne, people have their own unique sense of humor. It's common there to say the exact opposite to someone like me who has a few extra pounds on their ribs. You'll often hear: "Look, there comes Schmaal." Cologne residents love giving out humorous nicknames like that. Once you've been there, you'll quickly realize how endearing and charming this humorous approach is.

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