The wooden block – a versatile piece of furniture

Wooden block made of oak

First encounter

When I first saw the oak block in Holz-Liebling's workshop, I was curious.

It stood there, massive and heavy, with sharp edges. But also interesting in its natural grain.

I had previously come up with the idea of getting such a stylish block after looking at various interior design ideas on the Internet. And thanks to the simple configuration, I ordered the ideal size.

The block can be

  • Side dimension from 10cm to 50cm

and one

  • Height from 10cm to 50cm

be configured yourself.

It did seem very large to me, but the warm color of the wood convinced me to give it a try. The rough wood had a certain aesthetic appeal. I specifically chose the natural version. Alternatively, the block can also be ordered oiled.

Good to know :

The wooden blocks from Holz-Liebling are made from the “German oak” from Bavarian forests directly from the forest, as well as from the “red oak” specifically from the Ebersberg Forest near Munich.

Where to put it?

When I got home, I put it in the middle of the living room because I hadn't thought of a specific place to put it. The first thing I noticed was that the block sat flush on the floor as promised and didn't tip over. That immediately gave a high-quality impression. Nevertheless, I attached felt glides to the underside as recommended so that the residual moisture in the wood can escape easily at this size.

First use

That same evening, I watched my husband push the wooden block towards the couch to put chips, a drink and the remote control on it.

1:0 for the wood

A few days later, my friend came to visit us with her three-year-old daughter. Once again, the block was used as a place to put the coffee cup.

OK, he can definitely stay.

The cup was not allowed to do that. It quickly became clear that various toys, painting supplies and a doll would also fit perfectly on the solid wood. It was the perfect playing height for the little one.

Versatile applications

Now I started to enjoy finding different ways to integrate the wooden block into the apartment. And I was in full swing.

Flowers and candles were placed on it, and it was used as a stool for young and old alike. And for the very young, it was also used as a tree to climb on.

I tried it as a bedside table and as a footrest. The block turned out to be the perfect home accessory.

Now it's there, currently with flowers on it, and I'm extremely happy that I chose it.

CONCLUSION: More of this!

Then my son comes into the room, casually puts the flowers aside and starts pushing the wood into his room. "I need this for a minute, Mom!"

For this reason, I'm going to get some more wooden blocks for the apartment as soon as possible and I'm already looking forward to it! 😊

If you are now interested in this piece of furniture, take a look here past !

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